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Irmgard Shepherd (nee Hampf)
My mother was born in 1924 in Germany and had an eventful life. She lived through the second world war before coming to England in 1948. She passed away on 16 January 2011.ote an account of her life. This year (2024) it has been republished in conjunction with the centenary of her birth. This revised edition can be downloaded here:

Irmgard’s Lebenslauf (The Course of Life) 2024 edition. (pdf document)

This book is a reprint of Irmgard’s story, first written and published in 2006.

Irmgard’s story related her experiences fleeing the advancing Russia front in eastern Germany in 1945, her escape from the Allied bombing and firestorms in Dresden and being transported as a refugee across post war Europe (including a stay in Nuremburg Prison.

Whilst preserving the original text, this edition includes additional descriptions from Irmgard and recollections from two of her sisters, Inga and Helga, together with some background information to put Irmgard’s story into context.  

This edition also looks at the geographical context as well as life in Germany during the 1930’s and 40’s and how it affected by the Second World War. This is written from the Hampf perspective and is largely based on written recollections from Inga, Helga as well as Irmgard.

(c) Des Shepherd 2024